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Electron loss from highly charged hydrogen-like ions in collisions with electrons, protons and light atoms


發(fā)表日期:2017-08-28來源:近代物理研究所放大 縮小

  報告題目:Electron loss from highly charged hydrogen-like ions in collisions with electrons, protons and light atoms 

  報告人:  Prof. Dr. Alexander Voitkiv 

  Institute for theoretical Physics I 

  University of Dusseldorf 

  時間:  2017年8月30日 14:30 

  地點:  近代物理所5號樓911會議室 


  We study electron loss from a hydrogen-like highly charged ion by the impact of equivelocity electrons and protons and also in collisions with hydrogen and helium. The collision velocity v varies between vmin and vmax, where vmin and vmax correspond to the energy threshold εth for electron loss in collisions with a free electron and to ≈5εth, respectively. 

  Our results show that in this  range of v : i) compared to equivelocity electrons protons are more effective in inducing electron loss (due to a substantially larger volume of the effectively available final-state electron momentum space), ii) the relative (compared to protons) effectiveness of electron projectiles grows with increase in the atomic number of a highly charged ion, iii) the entire volume of the final-state-electron momentum space, kinematically available in collisions with electrons, is much weaker populated in collisions with protons than with electrons. The latter, in particular, means that in collisions with very light atoms the contributions to the loss process from the interactions with the nucleus and the electron(s) of the atom are effectively separated in the final-state-electron momentum space. 
